Sponsor a child.
Backpack Donor Guide
Kindergarten. $75
construction paper
washable markers
Crayola crayons
glue sticks
#2 pencils
soft pencil case/holder
pencil sharpener
hand sanitizer
marble notebook (wide-ruled)
Grades 1 & 2 $85
Includes everything in Group A plus:
scissors (pointed tip)
loose leaf paper (wide rule)
dry erase markers
colored pencils
indexed cards (ruled)
Elmers glue liquid
yellow post it notes
Grade 3 & 4 $100
Includes everything in Group A & B plus the following:
dividers for binders
hand wipes
1.5 inch 3-ring binder
2 inch 3-ring binder
pens (blue, black, red)
Sharpie markers
USB flash drive
pocket size Webster dictionary
Grade 5 $ 110
Includes everything in Groups B & C plus the following:
Zip lock storage bags
graphing calculator
plastic 2-pocket folders w/3 holes
If you would like to sponsor a child, you can donate the amount under the appropriate group (A,B,C, or D,). If you would like to purchase supplies and ship, you can do so by purchasing supplies and shipping to:
Rev Shirley Hensford
Heart To Heart Empowerment, INC
3242 89th Street Suite 403
East Elmhurst, NY 11369

Coats From The Heart
Many low-income families cannot afford to buy a coat. This is why Heart To Heart Empowerment, partners with Operation Warm, where coats are purchased at $20.00 each. Every child needs a coat to keep him warm during the winter months.

The Living Room Experience
We provide workshops & other means of training to women to promote health, mental health and overall wellness.
A diverse group of women embark on a 12-month journey to self-discovery entitled, “Pathways to my Authentic Self”. Sharing stories are healing and inspires hope.
Virtual group coming soon! Please sign up if you are interested, and someone will contact you.